Senate Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell disagreed, saying both McCain and Obama helped the process along. 参议院共和党少数党领袖麦康纳尔不同意这种看法。他认为麦凯恩和奥巴马都对推进这个进程发挥了作用。
However, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said earlier that Republicans are also concerned with policy, not politics. 然而,参议院少数党领袖麦康奈尔说,共和党关注的是政策,而不是政治。
Among incumbents facing close reelection bids in the Senate are Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska, who was found guilty of corruption charges last month. 在参议院,少数党领袖麦康奈尔以及来自阿拉斯加州的史蒂文斯参议员是否能重新当选还难以判断。史蒂文斯上个月被判受贿罪罪名成立。
White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten is to meet with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Thursday. 白宫办公室主任博尔顿星期四与参议院多数党领袖里德和少数党领袖麦康奈尔会面。
House Republican Minority Leader John Boehner said Friday he is being bullied by the White House. 众议院少数党领袖博纳星期五表示,他正在受到白宫的恐吓。
As House Minority Leader John Boehner put it, Cheney was invited by the Republican leadership to explain the nature of the financial crisis and why the administration's solution is necessary. 就像众议院少数党领袖博纳所说的那样,切尼是应国会共和党领导人的邀请前来解释这次金融危机的性质以及为什么布什政府的解决办法是必要的。
A spokeswoman for state Senate Minority Leader Dennis Hollingsworth, R-Temecula, said he had no comment on the proposal. 加州参议院少数党领袖丹尼斯-霍林兹沃斯的女发言人R-Temecula表示,丹尼斯对提案没有意见。
Obama was supposed to meet with the Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and presumptive House Speaker John Boehner today. 今天奥巴马本该与参议员少数党领导人米奇•麦康诺和可能上任为众议院议长的约翰.博纳会面。
After the speech Tuesday night at the Capitol in Washington, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi called Mr. Obama's speech a powerful vision of opportunity and prosperity for American families, and highlighted his plans to help those in the middle class. 奥巴马星期二晚间结束在华盛顿国会山的演讲后,国会众议院少数党领袖佩洛西说,奥巴马在演讲中极其关注为美国家庭提供机会和繁荣,并强调他计划帮助中产阶级。
He met with house of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the top House Republican, minority leader John Boehner, as well as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and other lawmakers. 奥巴马总统会见了众议院议长南希.佩洛西、众议院少数党领袖约翰.博纳、参议院多数党领袖哈里.雷德、参议院少数党领袖米奇.麦康纳尔和其他议员。
Minority Culture and the Building of the Common Spiritual Homeland for the Chinese Nation The Role of the Myths of Original Female Leader's in the Evolution of Tujia Ethnic Group 少数民族文化与中华民族共有精神家园建设论土家族女始祖神话在族群演进中之作用
This, wailed Mitch McConnell, the minority leader, risked turning the Senate into the House of Representativesa very bad thing, in senators'eyes. 这让少数党领袖麦康纳很失望,他扬言要把参议院变成众议院,这对于参议院来说是一件很不好的事情。
The minority leader of the Senate supported the bill. 参议院少数党领袖支持此法案。
The minority leader thinks it's not a bluff. 少数党主席也认为共和党是认真的。
Mr Rudd plunged the Labor minority government into fresh crisis when he resigned while on a visit to the US, as part of an apparent plan to topple Ms Gillard, who ousted him as party leader in 2010. 陆克文在访美期间辞职,这使身为少数党的工党所领导的政府陷入一场新的危机,他显然计划推翻吉拉德,后者于2010年取代他成为党首。
This is an ironic choice for a president-elect who has promised to change Washington, make politics more civil, and govern from the center,'said House Minority Leader John Boehner ( R., Ohio). 众议院少数党领袖、共和党人博纳(JohnBoehner)说,对一个承诺要改变华盛顿、让政治更关注民众、以中间立场治理国家的当选总统来说,这个选择很有讽刺意味。
Even Mitch mcconnell, the Senate minority leader and a bush supporter, warned that the Iraqi government had very little time to turn things around. 甚至参议院少数党领袖,布什的支持者米奇?麦康奈尔也警告道,对于伊拉克政府来说,要让一切走上正轨的时间已经是微乎其微。
Ulster County, New York, he served as Member and served as minority leader. 他曾担任纽约州阿尔斯特县议员和少数党领袖。
'At a time of great economic uncertainty, the last thing we want to do is raise taxes on anyone,'House Minority Leader John Boehner ( R., Ohio) told CBS. 美国众议院少数党领袖、俄亥俄州共和党众议员博纳(JohnBoehner)对CBS表示,在一个经济前景极不确定的时期,最不应该做的就是加税。
Before the final voting ( vote) Thursday(?) House ( Republican?) minority leader John Boehner made a final appeal to lawmakers to vote against the measure. 在最终投票之前,议院共和党少数派领导人为呼吁立法者投票否决该议案作最后尝试。
House Minority Leader John Boehner said his fellow congressional Republicans "respectfully suggest" that far more should be cut. 众议院共和党领袖博纳说,共和党议员建议削减的,比这要多得多。
There is no alternative to enactment of a timely increase in the debt limit, he told senators, including Mitch McConnell, the minority leader. 除了及时立法上调债务上限外,别无他法,盖特纳对参议院少数党领袖米奇麦康奈尔(MitchMcConnell)等参议员们表示。
In the Democratic response to the president's State of the Union, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said the Bush Administration has not adequately prepared for another possible terrorist attack. 众议院少数党领袖佩洛西说,布什政府没有作出足够的努力应付恐怖分子可能发动的另一场进攻。